J.S. Cruz

First steps in Rust

I’ve been reading about Rust for the better part of 3 years. After having been exposed to Haskell, I begun writing my C++ programs in a more Haskell-y way, which I quickly found to feel very shoe-horned in (std::tuple and std::get<N>, std::optional’s interface), and syntactically not pleasant at all. Things like ranges help, but this doesn’t address the core problem, which is that these features should be a part of the language and not of the standard library.

Rust came into the scene promising to be the result of lessons learned from C++ and Haskell, with reasonable defaults and a good macro system.

After reading about Rust for the better part of 3 years I finally got around to trying to write a program in it.


I was watching a Jane Street mock interview and they presented an interesting problem: you are given a list of unit equivalences of the form:

m = 3.28 ft
ft = 12 in
hr = 60 min
min = 60 sec

and a list of queries of the form:

2 m = ? in
13 in = ? m
13 in = ? hr

where the task is to find the appropriate missing value (?) for each query, or “not convertible” if the query is meaningless.

The video follows the interviewee as he works through his solution, but I paused the video before he started and gave it a try myself.

My first idea was to store the unit equivalences in a hash-table and then query the table recursively, multiplying the unit values along the way.

If we model the problem as a graph with the units as nodes and the conversion value between them as the edge weight, as the interviewee did. This is essentially a DFS on the graph.

For starters, I’ll define some convenience type aliases:

1type Fact  = (String, f32, String);
2type Query = (f32, String, String);
3type UnitMapper<'a> = HashMap<&'a str, Vec<Edge<'a>>>;
5struct Edge<'a>
7    unit: &'a str,
8    value: f32,

where the shape of Fact and Query come directly from the way the input is provided, and UnitMapper is the adjacency list representation of our graph. Nodes/units are &str for simplicity.

For the solution, we just have to implement a simple DFS:

1fn answerQueryDFS((base_value, base_unit, target_unit): &Query,
2                  list: &UnitMapper
3) -> Option<f32>
5    if ! list.contains_key(&target_unit.as_str()) {
6        return None;
7    }
8    let mut visited: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::from([base_unit.as_str()]);

The destructuring in the parameter list is definitely one of the better things imported from Haskell.

The actual recursion part is straightforward:

 1    fn rec_dfs<'a>(from_unit: &'a str,
 2                   value_accum: f32,
 3                   list: &'a UnitMapper,
 4                   target_unit: &str,
 5                   visited: &mut HashSet<&'a str>)
 6    -> Option<f32>
 7    {
 8        if from_unit == target_unit {
 9            return Some(value_accum);
10        }
11        for Edge { unit: new_unit,
12                   value: new_unit_val } in list.get(from_unit)? {
13            if ! visited.contains(new_unit) {
14                visited.insert(from_unit);
15                if let ret@Some(_) = rec_dfs(new_unit, value_accum * new_unit_val, list, target_unit, visited) {
16                    return ret;
17                }
18            }
19        }
20        None
21    }
23    rec_dfs(base_unit, *base_value, list, target_unit, &mut visited)

It seems we cannot capture a closure in itself, so we have to use a normal function to perform recursion; but functions can’t capture variables from an outer scope, so we have to pass everything we need as explicit arguments. This isn’t difficult, but it looks syntactically heavy, despite it being just language bureaucracy.

Note the type destructuring in for and if let. So nice!

The interviewee’s solution is smarter than mine: he did the graph search breadth-first, which is a better solution since we want to get from the source unit to the target unit with as fewer multiplications along the way as possible, from both a correctness and a performance point-of-view.

The Rust solution almost looks like pseudo-code, if we ignore the syntax around handling types.

 1fn answerQueryBFS((base_value, base_unit, target_unit): &Query,
 2                  list: &UnitMapper
 3) -> Option<f32>
 5    if ! list.contains_key(&target_unit.as_str()) {
 6        return None;
 7    }
 8    let mut frontier = VecDeque::from([Edge::new(base_unit, *base_value)]);
 9    let mut visited: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::new();
11    while let Some(Edge { unit: current_unit,
12                          value: current_value }) = frontier.pop_front() {
13        if current_unit == target_unit {
14            return Some(current_value);
15        }
16        if ! visited.contains(current_unit) {
17            visited.insert(current_unit);
18            for Edge { unit: new_unit,
19                       value: new_unit_val } in list.get(current_unit)? {
20                frontier.push_back(Edge::new(new_unit, new_unit_val * current_value));
21            }
22        }
23    }
24    None

Again, note the type destructuring in the while let and for. Multi-level, even! Syntax shouldn’t generally matter to an experienced programmed, but if your language’s syntax reduces friction in writing a certain style of programs, it will naturally promote more programs written in that style. It’s much easier to write in Rust:

1let x = opt?;

than it is to write the equivalent in C++:

1if (opt) {
2    return std::nullopt;
4auto x = opt.value();

No wonder Rust touts algebraic datatypes. C++ also has them, but since they’re so unnatural to write programs in, it’s as if they didn’t exist, giving Rust a perceived feature over C++.

Rust impressions

Rust’s highs are really high:

And its lows are not that low:

All in all, this was a very pleasant introduction to Rust. I left with the feeling that I want to explore it more. I have some ideas for some programs I want to write (keep an eye out on the website!), so I think I should try to write them in Rust just for the fun of it.

The complete code is down below:

Complete code listing
  3example facts:
  4    m = 3.28 ft
  5    ft = 12 in
  6    hr = 60 min
  7    min = 60 sec
  8example queries:
  9    2 m = ? in   -> answer = 78.72
 10    13 in = ? m  -> answer = 0.330 (roughly)
 11    13 in = ? hr -> "not convertible!"
 14use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
 15use std::io;
 16use std::str::FromStr;
 19type Fact  = (String, f32, String);
 20type Query = (f32, String, String);
 21type UnitMapper<'a> = HashMap<&'a str, Vec<Edge<'a>>>;
 24struct Edge<'a>
 26    unit: &'a str,
 27    value: f32,
 29impl<'a> Edge<'a>
 31    fn new(unit: &'a str, value: f32) -> Self
 32    {
 33        Edge { unit, value }
 34    }
 36impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for Edge<'a>
 38    fn fmt(&self, f:&mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
 39    {
 40        write!(f, "Edge({}, {})", self.unit, self.value)
 41    }
 46fn readFacts<'b>(facts: &'b Vec<Fact>) -> UnitMapper
 48    let mut unit_map: UnitMapper = HashMap::new();
 49    for (base_unit, target_value, target_unit) in facts {
 50        unit_map
 51            .entry(base_unit)
 52            .and_modify(|e| e.push(Edge::new(target_unit, *target_value)))
 53            .or_insert(vec![Edge::new(target_unit, *target_value)]);
 55        unit_map
 56            .entry(target_unit)
 57            .and_modify(|e| e.push(Edge::new(base_unit, 1.0 / *target_value)))
 58            .or_insert(vec![Edge::new(base_unit, 1.0 / *target_value)]);
 59    }
 60    unit_map
 64fn answerQueryBFS((base_value, base_unit, target_unit): &Query,
 65                  list: &UnitMapper
 66) -> Option<f32>
 68    if ! list.contains_key(&target_unit.as_str()) {
 69        return None;
 70    }
 71    let mut frontier = VecDeque::from([Edge::new(base_unit, *base_value)]);
 72    let mut visited: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::new();
 74    while let Some(Edge { unit: current_unit,
 75                          value: current_value }) = frontier.pop_front() {
 76        if current_unit == target_unit {
 77            return Some(current_value);
 78        }
 79        if ! visited.contains(current_unit) {
 80            visited.insert(current_unit);
 81            for Edge { unit: new_unit,
 82                       value: new_unit_val } in list.get(current_unit)? {
 83                frontier.push_back(Edge::new(new_unit, new_unit_val * current_value));
 84            }
 85        }
 86    }
 87    None
 91fn answerQueryDFS((base_value, base_unit, target_unit): &Query,
 92                  list: &UnitMapper
 93) -> Option<f32>
 95    if ! list.contains_key(&target_unit.as_str()) {
 96        return None;
 97    }
 98    let mut visited: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::from([base_unit.as_str()]);
100    fn rec_dfs<'a>(from_unit: &'a str,
101                   value_accum: f32,
102                   list: &'a UnitMapper,
103                   target_unit: &str,
104                   visited: &mut HashSet<&'a str>)
105    -> Option<f32>
106    {
107        if from_unit == target_unit {
108            return Some(value_accum);
109        }
110        for Edge { unit: new_unit,
111                   value: new_unit_val } in list.get(from_unit)? {
112            if ! visited.contains(new_unit) {
113                visited.insert(from_unit);
114                if let ret@Some(_) = rec_dfs(new_unit, value_accum * new_unit_val, list, target_unit, visited) {
115                    return ret;
116                }
117            }
118        }
119        None
120    }
122    rec_dfs(base_unit, *base_value, list, target_unit, &mut visited)
126fn main() -> io::Result<()>
128    let mut buffer = String::new();
129    let mut facts: Vec<Fact> = Vec::new();
130    let mut queries: Vec<Query> = Vec::new();
132    loop {
133        match io::stdin().read_line(&mut buffer) {
134            Ok(0) => { break; }
135            Ok(_) => {
136                let line: Vec<_> = buffer.split_whitespace().collect();
137                if line.len() == 4 { // fact: a = x b
138                    facts.push((
139                        String::from(line[0]),
140                        f32::from_str(line[2]).unwrap(),
141                        String::from(line[3]),
142                    ));
143                }
144                else if line.len() == 5 { // query: x a = ? b
145                    queries.push((
146                        f32::from_str(line[0]).unwrap(),
147                        String::from(line[1]),
148                        String::from(line[4]),
149                    ));
150                }
151                else {
152                    println!("Read invalid fact/query: {buffer}");
153                }
154                buffer.clear();
155            }
156            Err(e) => { return Err(e); }
157        }
158    }
160    let fact_table = readFacts(&facts);
161    for query in &queries {
162        if let Some(conversion_value) = answerQueryBFS(&query, &fact_table) {
163            println!("BFS: {} {} are {} {}", query.0, query.1, conversion_value, query.2);
164        }
165        else {
166            println!("BFS: no conversion");
167        }
168        if let Some(conversion_value) = answerQueryDFS(&query, &fact_table) {
169            println!("DFS: {} {} are {} {}", query.0, query.1, conversion_value, query.2);
170        }
171        else {
172            println!("DFS: no conversion");
173        }
174    }
176    Ok(())

Tags: #programming #rust