All posts tagged "kde"
Kadio: Adding permanence
As of the last post, we have a working web radio player, where we can add stations by URL, but without persistence. In this post, we’re going to add the ability to load stations from, and store station in a database, using Qt’s SQL capability.
Kadio: decorative functionality
Let’s add some UI elements that are expected to be present in any respectable program, i.e., menus and toolbars. We’ll also give the user the ability to add new audio files to the list, and import/export the playlist.
Kadio: basic audio player
As of the last post, we have a very basic, two-column window that displays text read from a file. In this post, we’re going to add the ability to play audio files.
KDE's Qt Refinement Classes
This is a collection/index of main Qt classes and their KDE refinements, where they exist.
Kadio: Slow start
As per my last post, I’m writing a program to listen to internet radio. This will be called Kadio.
Modifying Kate sessions Plasma widget
Fixing UX annoyances in Kate’s Plasma widget.
Let's build an internet radio player in Qt
I like listening to internet radio.